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        Their labs  have developed           products that are infused with       world’s most respected medical                   stem cells to treat age related
        patented technology for stem         antioxidants, peptides and plant     institutions in North America                    ailments in our latter years.
        cell extraction primarily from       extracts says she is currently       and elsewhere.                                   Director Eric Funderwhite a                                   TOURISM
        umbilical cord blood;  whereby       considering a Phase 2 product                                                         stem cell therapist at Nustem/
        270 to 350 million stem cells        rollout for Sany Skincare that       Even in light of the superb                      Heartstem/Petstem of Beverly
        may be extracted per procedure.  will include plant based stem            facilities available throughout                  Hills confirms each treatment is                           MAGAZINE
        Utilizing CIKDC immune cells         cells.                               the world; it is paramount that                  unique to the individual patient.
        are seeing advancements                                                   anyone considering stem cell
        in the treatment of autism,          “The evidence is almost              therapy thoroughly scrutinizes                   Practitioners must weigh in not
        Parkinson’s injuries and             indisputable that stem cells in      the treatment facility and staff                 only what improvements the
        reduction of pain in knees, the      topical products are truly the       before arriving at a decision.”                  patient desires or ailments they
        back and joints, diabetes, stroke  next gold standard in advanced                                                          are experiencing; but also their
        and high blood pressure.             skin care.”                          One such avenue to vet the                       age, source of the stem cells
                                                                                  standards adhered to by a                        and determination if the patient
        Foremost among the biological        The free, immediate and              particular clinic is found in the                is apt to develop antibiotics to
        beauty breakthroughs is              transparent exchange of              scientific publication PUBMED                    those stem cells.
        Neocorium, which utilizes a          information and ease of travel;      published by the National
        signature stem cell centrifuge       facilitates the patients seeking     Institute of Health. “Patients                   These and more criteria are
        refining process to infuse 4500      treatment and scientists free        should be especially vigilant                    given in depth consideration
        cc of nine different growth          exchange of information without  when choosing physicians for                         before developing a tailor made
        factors and stem cells into their    borders. Dr. Ernst Swartz            this type of therapy,” concurs                   treatment plan.
        formula.                             among others interviewed for         Dr. Giampapa, a recent Nobel
                                             this article offered a caveat,       Prize nominee for his research                   There is no formula for
        Sandy Dash, of the newly             “Many clinics here and abroad        in stem cells.                                   predicting which research will
        launched Sany Skincare               are offering stem cell therapies                                                      yield results or from where.
        Inc.  an up market collection        that have not undergone the          Experience the Future - Now at                   But ethical standards and
        of anti aging skin and body          rigorous criteria imposed by the  WMTC 2017                                           rules should be ubiquitous
                                                                                                                                   and rigorously applied in an                            THE “VOICE” OF
                                                                                  When asked what advances in                      attempt to eliminate errors and
        Mark Katakowski,                                                          stem cell therapies are on the                   setbacks.                                                   THE MEDICAL
        PhD, President of                                                         horizon the answers could best
        Forever Labs                                                              be likened to the parable of the                 Global transparency in the
                                                                                  six blind men describing an                      sharing of information, both                                      TOURISM
                                                                                  elephant. Everyone interviewed                   medical and scientific, is at the
                                                                                  had a distinct answer.                           forefront of the Medical Tourism                                INDUSTRY
                                                                                                                                   Associations’ guiding principles,
                                                                                  Stem Cell Banking is                             a mission that can help bring
                                                                                  increasingly becoming a hedge                    inevitable errors to light more
                                                                                  on debilitating, age-related                     quickly while benefiting patients                             REACH OVER
                                                                                  diseases. Dr. Mark Katakowski,                   everywhere with a universal
                                                                                  President of Forever Labs                        brand of health care.
                                                                                  explains that they created their                                                                           630,000
                                                                                  adult stem cell banking service
                                                                                  to address the age-related
                                                                                  decline of stem cells. “All things                                                                              R E A D ER S
                                                                                  being equal, you are your own
                                                                                  best stem cell donor. However,
                                                                                  this prospect diminishes with                                                                                         CONTACT US:
                                                                                  age. Cryopreservation enables
                                                                                  us to apply our own youthful                                                                                           Ph: 001-561-791-2000
        74 September 2017                                                                                                                                                                                     75
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