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Is Your Destination                                                                                                                                                                                     The complex lexicon of science

                                                                                                                                                                                                               demands rigorous investigation
                                                                                                                                                                                                               that cannot be dumbed-down to
                                                                                                               Ranked 1 st
       on the list?                                                                             Canada  Overall   ...................................................................                          a sound bite. With the internet
                                                                                                              in Destination Environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                               highway moving at Mach speed,
                                                                                                              Economy, Safety and Image
                                                                                                             1 st
                                                                                                        MTI Score
                                                                              Dimension 1
                                                                                     Dimension 2
                                                                                             Dimension 3
                                                                                             Quality of Facilities and Services
                                                                              Destination Environment
                                                                                     Medical Tourism Industry
                                                                                                        Ranked 1 st  2 nd    81.53                                                                             fueled by an increasingly more
                                                                                                               Ranked 4 th

                                                                                                With a population of a little over 35 million, this North American   in Medical Tourism Industry
                                                                                                destination is the 11 th  largest economy by nominal GDP and one   74.14
                                                                                                of  the  wealthiest  nations  in  the  world.  Its  healthcare  system  is                                     predatory pharmaceutical

                                                                              1. Canada     1. India     1. Israel  public  funded  but  mainly  provided  by  private  enterprises,  and
        Purchase the Comprehensive Report at      78.69   75.94  81.60           ...................................................................
                                                                                                it  does  not  include  coverage  of  prescription  medications.  The
                                                                                                private healthcare industry also complements anything that is not
                                                                                                covered by the public healthcare system. The destination is heavily
                                                                                                             Destination Attractiveness
                                                                                                dependent on the service industry, which employs approximately
                                                                              2.  UK   77.30  2.  Colombia    74.96  2.  Germany   75% of its working population, leaving the oil industry, mixed in   27 th   Medical Tourism Costs  72.57  industry** and social media
                                                                              3.  Singapore    73.26  3.  Mexico    74.17  3.  India    the remaining 25%. Being one of two destinations in the world
                                                                                                that share a border with the United States, there is an opportunity
                                                                              4.  Israel   67.56  4.  Canada   74.13  4.  Canada    77.02  1 st    75.70
                                                                                                advantage of its medical tourism industry and its medical facilities.
                                                                              5.  Germany   67.50  5.  Dominican Republic  73.85  5.  UK   to  bring  potential  incremental  business  from  the  south  to  take
                                                                              6.  France   66.88 66.47  6.  Thailand    73.25 73.20  6.  Singapore   Canada scores high in the main factors that drive medical tourism.   Ranked 4 th    trolling for click bate targeted
                                                                                             South Korea
                                                                                     7.  Costa Rica
                                                                              7.  Italy
        Medical Tourism Index  is the first academically validated  tool      8.  Spain   65.96 65.65 64.74  8.  Italy   73.01 72.83 72.73  8.  France   The destination was ranked 1 st  out of 41 for destination environment,   in Quality of the Facility and Services
                                                                                                because it is a wealthy, democratic and developed nation with a
                                                                                     9.  Jamaica
                                                                              9.  Jamaica
                                                                                            9.  Japan
                                                                              10.  South Korea
                                                                                     10.  Panama
                                                                                                solid government that does not allow corruption. Surprisingly, it
                                                                                            10.  Dubai
                                                                              11.  Panama
                                                                                                top  ranked  healthcare  costs.  This  means  that  Canada’s  private
                                                                              12.  India   63.37 63.26  11.  Israel   72.58 72.32  11.  Italy   also  scores  high  on  the  medical  tourism  factor,  boosted  by  its   at an undiscerning public; the
                                                                                            12.  Colombia
                                                                                     12.  Brazil
        developed to measure the perception of a destination for med-         13.  Poland   62.87 62.69  13.  France   71.92 70.79  13.  Thailand   healthcare  system  is  extremely  competitive  when  it  comes  to   ..................................................................
                                                                                                pricing its services for medical, surgical or dental interventions,
                                                                                     14.  Argentina
                                                                                            14.  Taiwan
                                                                              14.  Japan
                                                                                                taking advantage of the existing infrastructure and its capacity.
                                                                              15.  Dominican Republic  62.62
                                                                                                              Quality Care
                                                                              16.  Costa Rica   62.61 62.60  15.  Singapore   70.79 70.54  15.  Spain   In the end, this gives them enough power to attract and market     Reputation  74.48  sheer practice of reporting
                                                                                     16.  Philippines
                                                                                            16.  Abu Dhabi
                                                                                                             3 th
                                                                                                its medical tourism industry to the world. Also, the quality of its
                                                                              17.  Colombia
        ical tourism.                                                         18.  Dubai   61.71 61.44  18.  Germany   70.32 70.15  18.  Panama   facilities and its staff expertise gets them ranked 4 th , which sends   7 th   Internationalization and Accreditation 76.09
                                                                                     17.  UK
                                                                                            17.  Argentina
                                                                                                the northern nation to the top of the medical tourism index.
                                                                                            19.  Philippines
                                                                              19.  Philippines
                                                                                     19.  South Korea
                                                                                            20.  Costa Rica
                                                                              20. Taiwan
                                                                              21.  China   60.81 59.42  20. Spain   68.41Medical   4 th    77.79  Jimmy Kimmel and Molly McNearney at the Los Angeles premiere of ‘Office Christmas Party’
                                                                                            21.  China
                                                                                     21.  Taiwan
                                                                              22.  Abu Dhabi   58.63  22.  Dubai   68.42  22.  Dominican Republic   66.98   Patient Experience                                 empirical facts can be a daunting
                                                                              23. Argentina   58.11  23. China   23.  Brazil   65.34  3 th    78.06
                                                                              24. Brazil   57.99  24. Malta   67.34  24.  Qatar   64.58
                                                                              25. Malta   57.58  25. Japan   67.33  25.  South Africa   64.12  © 2016-2017 Medical Tourism Index. All Rights Reserved  P8  held at the Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, USA on December 7, 2016.
                                                                                            26.  Malta
                                                                              26. South Africa   57.31 56.40  26. Morocco   66.04Tourism Index                                                                 exercise.  Although challenging,
        Learn how to improve your ranking through capacity building           28. Egypt   55.25 54.65 51.98  28. Egypt   65.17 65.16  28.  Jamaica   63.03 62.09 61.42
                                                                                     27.  Turkey
                                                                                            27.  Poland
                                                                              27.  Thailand
                                                                                     29. Poland
                                                                                            29.  Egypt
                                                                              29. Qatar
                                                                                     30. South Africa
                                                                              30. Oman
                                                                                            30.  Jordan
                                                                                            31.  Russia
        and destination development programs offered by                       31.  Morocco   51.42 50.83 50.00  31.  Abu Dhabi   55.992016-2017  This begs the question, how   “To be invalidated, discredited   separating fact from fiction is
                                                                              32. Turkey
                                                                                            32.  Turkey
                                                                                     32. Tunisia
                                                                                     33. Qatar
                                                                              33. Jordan
                                                                                            33.  Morocco
                                                                              34. Russia
                                                                                     34. Russia
                                                                                            34.  Tunisia
                                                                              35. Tunisia
                                                                                     35. Jordan
                                                                                            35.  Oman
        Global Healthcare Resources®, Inc.                                    36. Mexico   48.84 46.16 44.68 42.70  36. Oman   59.45  36.  Mexico   59.10 58.61 58.33 57.27  much convenience do we really   or debunked in reporting   paramount in the advancement
                                                                              37.  Kuwait
                                                                                            37.  Saudi Arabia
                                                                                     37.  Saudi Arabia
                                                                              38. Bahrain
                                                                                     38. Lebanon
                                                                                            38.  Bahrain
                                                                              39. Saudi Arabia
                                                                                     39. Kuwait
                                                                                            39.  Kuwait
                                                                              40. Lebanon   40.72  40. Bahrain   53.80  40.  Lebanon   54.92
                                                                              42. Iran   27.22  41.  Iran   40.84  41.  Iran   39.94                                                                           of stem cell sciences’ basic
                                                                                           © 2016 Medical Tourism Index. All Rights Reserved P6 This research was sponsored by:  need?  developments that have not
                                                                                       Who can forget Jimmy                stood the test of time and are          tenets.
                                                                                                                                   Kimmel, popular late night host     corroborated by a jury of peers
                                                                                                                                   describing to millions of viewers  is so many kinds of wrong,”
        2016-2017 Top 5 Destinations                                                                                               in May  with the repeal of the      says Dr. Dana Churchill.             waccording to M. Nasar
                                                                                                                                   Affordable Care Act hanging in      There is enough intentional          Qureshi, M.D. and Immediate
        Overall Rank              Destination                Medical                       Quality of Facilities                   the balance) how torn he was        misinformation in the media          Past President of APPNA, the
                                  Environment                Tourism Industry              & Services
         1.  Canada   76.62                                                                                                        when told his new son was           today without making the entire      Association of Physicians of
                                   1.  Canada    78.69       1.  India          75.94      1.  Israel     81.60                    born with a life threatening        stem cell community suffer for       Pakistani Descent of North
         2. UK        74.87
                                   2.  UK        77.30       2. Colombia        74.96      2.  Germany    77.88                    birth defect. Admitting to his      a hasty misrepresentation of         America.
         3. Israel    73.91                                                                                                        affluence and privilege; Kimmel     the facts resulting in misguided
                                   3.  Singapore   73.26     3. Mexico          74.17      3.  India      77.10
         4. Singapore  73.56       4.  Israel    67.56       4. Canada          74.13      4.  Canada     77.02                    made an emotional plea that         setbacks.                            “It is heartening that
                                                                                                                                                                                                            advancements in stem cell
         5. India     72.10        5.  Germany   67.50       5. Dominican Republic  73.85   5.  UK        76.94                    no family should have to make       Even more odious is intentional      science are taking place on
                                                                                                                                   medical and health decisions
                                                                                                                                   based on one’s ability to pay.      deception motivated by greed         a global scale. By its very
                                                                                                                                   Adding, “If your parents didn’t     as is the case of headlines that     nature stem cell research
        2016-2017 MTI Overall Ranking                                                                                              have medical insurance or           shout “Babies from Stem Cells”       and treatment has become an
                                                                                                                                   were affluent, you might not        and “Mail Order Tests Check          international pursuit propelled
        1.  Canada               76.62        16.  Dubai                67.54       31.  Morocco              59.77                have lived long enough to be        Cells for Early Aging” or the        by ongoing improvements in
        2.  UK                   74.87        17.  Jamaica              67.17       32.  Turkey               59.49                denied for having a pre-existing    Charles Vacanti’s hoax. The          Medical Tourism”,   confirms
        3.  Israel               73.91        18.  Thailand             66.60       33.  Jordan               57.02                condition.”                         viral internet meme ‘Earmouse’       Holmes Stoner, Founder of the
        4.  Singapore            73.56        19.  Philippines          66.40       34. Russia                57.01                                                    touted by the popular media as       Pacific Rim Business Council.
        5.  India                72.10        20. Taiwan                66.28       35.  Oman                 56.90                Stem Cell research and              proof of the aberrant nature of      Case in point is the Jilin Yue
        6.  Germany              71.90        21.  Argentina            65.37       36. Tunisia               56.78                applications are also being         stem cells was simply a piece        Tan Hospital in  Changchun
        7.  France               71.22        22.  Brazil               65.22       37.  Kuwait               52.69                thwarted by the public’s            of cow cartilage that Vacanti        City, Jilin, China.  Commended
        8.  South Korea          70.16        23.  China                64.78       38. Saudi Arabia          52.43                voracious need to know.             surgically implanted in Mickey’s     for their breaking down of
        9.  Italy                69.50        24. Poland                63.79       39. Bahrain               51.99                The proliferation of media          back.                                geographical cultural barriers
        10.  Colombia            69.48        25.  Abu Dhabi            63.65       40. Lebanon               49.92                hucksters wreaking havoc                                                 the institute and hospital serves
        11.  Spain               68.29        26. Malta                 62.97       41.  Iran                 36.00                on the legitimate pursuit of         “No matter the scientist            to advance medical tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and the free exchange of stem
        12.  Japan               68.00        27.  South Africa         62.20                                                      pure science is an especially       country of origin the inherent
                                                                                   Americas                                        malicious form of fake news. As     danger of distorting findings        cell therapies.”  With satellites
        13.  Panama              67.93        28. Egypt                 60.92      Europe                                          the adage states “if it seems too  without the benefit of expert         in Malaysia, Viet Nam and the
        14.  Costa Rica          67.67        29. Mexico                60.70      Asia                                            good to be true….” one should       peer review impedes the              Philippines;  Jilun Yue Tan has
        15.  Dominican Republic    67.58      30. Qatar                 60.07      Middle East & GCC / Africa                      cast suspicion on claims of         universal scientific community       been managing cell therapy
                                                                                                                                   sensational results.                while endangering the patient,”      centers since year 2002.
                                                                w w w .MedicalTourismInde x. c om
           September 2017                                                                                                                                                                                     73
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