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atmospheric changes found            companies like Blue Origin,
                                                in space. Classifying it simply      founded by Jeff Bezos, CEO of
                                                as, “The Final Frontier”, Polk       Amazon. New Shepard consists
                                                reported on the wealth of            of a rocket and capsule that are                                   INTELLIGENT.
                                                knowledge scientists now have        both reusable and presently
                                                about the human genome and           being developed to fly individuals
                                                space physiologically, citing        to and from space. According
                                                Scott Kelly’s year-long mission      to Polk, “It will be capable of                                PROPRIETARY.
                                                as an example. After spending        taking commercial passengers
                                                340 days on the International        to orbit. That rocket can achieve
                                                Space Station, he returned           sub-orbital flying and paying                                           ACCURATE.
                                                with severe muscle soreness,         customers will one day go up in
                                                skin soreness, and even more         that rocket.” Another example

          Asking the audience to give a         profound, he gained an inch          he gave in the presentation
          show of hands of exactly how          and a half in height due to a        was Virgin Galactic (owned by
          many attendees would like to go       temporary lengthening of his         Sir Richard Branson) which is                                                                                  MEDICAL TOURISM &
          to space if they could afford it,     spine. He eventually returned to     aggressively pursuing suborbital                                                                               WELLNESS MARKET
          clearly, this was a presentation      his original height.                 spacecraft for tourism.
          topic that many had dreamt                                                                                                                                                                DECISIONS. PROPRIETARY
          about. Polk received an even          Other changes, such as bone          In addition to the more exciting                                                                               TECHNOLOGY + DATABASE
          greater, more exuberant show          loss, vision changes resulting       developments above that are
          of hands coupled with laughter        from pressure changes in the         rapidly leading us to commercial
          when he added, “And by that           brain and spinal fluid due to        space travel in the future, Polk                                                                              Global Decisionz TM  is an easy to use decision
          same show of hands, how many          weightlessness, and even risks       reminded the audience that we                                                                                 making tool, which helps you make
          of you are closet Star Trek fans?”    associated with Space Radiation,  benefit in numerous other ways
                                                or as Polk refers to it, “Cosmic     here on Earth through the space                                                                               multi-criteria evaluations in an intuitively
          Accompanied by a                      Galactic Radiation that can          program.  “How many people of                                                                                 understandable manner.
          comprehensive visual                  cause genetic changes in the         you here bought gas today? The
          presentation detailing various        body”, are all issues that must      fact that a beam went up to that                                                                              It uses visualization to both simplify
          historical space missions, as         be taken into consideration when  satellite up in space telling you                                                                                and dramatically improve the accuracy
          well as famous astronauts             proposing extended space travel.     that you’d been approved to buy                                                                               of your decisions. Its proprietary
          in-flight, Polk shared that indeed    Polk reported that those             gas was available because of the                                                                              algorithms calculate and present
          NASA is presently investing a         contemplating space travel           space program.”                                                                                               your results instantly.
          great deal of time, effort, and       in the future will require a
          money into the development of         dedicated aerospace medical
          commercial space travel. The          expert trained in space              Additionally, Polk added that
          end goal? To enable commercial        physiology to prepare them           because of our ability to utilize                                                                                        Choose the right target markets to
          vendors to get into space. He         for such an undertaking.             increased technology due to the                                                                                          maximize patient ROI
          was clear on one fact: “This          He made reference to the             space program we are probably
          is medical tourism, not space         extensive research that took         only seven years away from
          tourism – and you’ll see that the     place before aviation became         developing a MRSA vaccine.
          two are intersecting.”                commercialized, and interjected                                                                                                                               Comprehensive Analytic
                                                that because space is that much  WE ARE EXCITED TO SEE                                                                                                        Reporting
          And with that pronouncement,          further, research will take that     WHAT OTHER ADVANCES
          Polk began to list a few realities    much longer.                         THEY COME UP WITH
          and challenges of such a                                                   SOON!
          feat, along with a long list of       Real-life examples of just how                                                                                                                                100,000 Data Points
          physiological changes that            close we are to propelling                                                                     GLOBAL
          occur in the human body when          individuals into space are the                                                                                       TM
          interfacing with the profound         privately owned spaceflight                                                                    DECISIONZ

        50 September 2017                                                                                                                                                                                     51
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