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                                                                                                                                            CHALLENGES AND ADVICE FROM

                                                                                                                                            AETNA INTERNATIONAL                                                By: Medical Tourism Magazine

          For Aetna International,         it comes to healthcare
          their focus on population        infrastructure. One of the
          health management                main concentrations is on          DR. SNEH
          involves helping large           cost control.
          governments and large                                               KHEMKA
          payers improve the               Some	of	the	trends	noted
          infrastructure of their          were:
          healthcare system to              •  Accountable Care
          produce better outcomes             Organizations, which            President of population
          for patients.                       have worked very well           health at Aetna
                                              for Aetna
          While Aetna International         •  People compiling data          International,
          has projects around the             accurately
          world, presently they             •  Individuals are                Having evolved from physician to
          have a strong focus on              beginning to see a shift        Executive and President of population
          the MENA region. Three              of healthcare away from
          years ago, Aetna entered            hospitals and traditional       health at Aetna International, Dr. Sneh
          into a contract with the            facilities                      Khemka engaged the audience as
          Qatari government when                                              a keynote speaker at the 9th World
          the decision was made to         In regard to challenges,
          set up a public healthcare       according to Dr. Khemka,           Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare
          system. Aetna brought in         “The biggest single                Congress in Washington D.C. Also
          their health management          challenge that we are
          system and, along with           seeing is how to continue to       while at the event, Dr. Khemka shared
          a local partner, they set        finance these populations          Aetna’s population health management
          in place their national          that are getting older             strategies in the MENA region, as well
          healthcare system.
                                           and that need more care            as some of the industry challenges and
                                           appropriately.  With care
          Even with the last few           becoming more expensive,           trends.
          years of turmoil in the          that is the conundrum that
          MENA region in the               we are trying to crack.” He
          areas of infrastructure          followed with comments
          and government, Aetna            and advice for the industry:                                                              Finally, in terms of medical tourism, Dr. Khemka reported that one of the major factors holding
          has realized the forward         “Think lean, think light,                                                                 the industry back is that people involved in medical tourism really need to take a more in-depth look
          progress made in Saudi           think about things which                                                                  at the cultural barriers. Once that is more fully understood, he expects medical travel to be
          Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Oman,        we need to differentiate and
          and Bahrain in terms of          gain immediate impact.”                                                                   on the rise.
          changing the agenda when

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