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letter is sent out detailing the     “For the many companies
        medical travel benefit to the        that could greatly benefit, the
        employee. Co-pays are waived,        experiences of early adopters                                                               WELLNESS
        as well as deductibles, and all      needs to be at the center of
        travel expenses are covered          ongoing informational and
        for the patient and companion,       educational campaigns,” said
        including passports and              McDonald. McDonald has
        lodging.                             started sending proposals to
                                             different countries around the                                                             DELIVERED
        “For us, it’s a strategy to          world in an effort to market
        increase the quality of care and     their medical provider services
        reduce the cost. You get the best  to self-funded employers in the
        of both worlds,” said Norton.        U.S.
        “We are in a rural area so
        access to world class medical        According to McDonald, Willis
        care isn’t readily accessible --     Towers Watson decided to               Health Flights Solutions,
        it’s a five-hour drive. So, if they   start sending proposals like          a Medical Tourism
        take a seven or ten-hour flight,     this in order to leverage the          Association® partner,
        have a co-pay and deductible         double-sided revenue model.            has offered a technology
        waived, it’s a natural incentive     In addition to self-funded U.S.        platform for Medical Tourism
        for employees to be interested,”  companies investing in global             Management since 2009. They
        he added.                            provider networks to reduce            now offer a platform designed
                                             costs, there is an opportunity to      specifically for self-insured
        Getting Self-Funded Employers  market foreign health providers              employers – Health Centers
        Interested                           directly to U.S. firms.                Plus.

        Even though the idea of saving
        money may be appealing, often        “I THINK THAT THE FUTURE OF            According to a previously
        times it is not enough to get        THIS CONCEPT DEPENDS ON THE            published MTM article,
        employers interested.  There         SUCCESS AND ROI ACHIEVED BY            Health Centers Plus has had
        are a variety of factors that they   THESE EARLY TRIAL EFFORTS,”            success in reaching a broad                                   WellHotel® Training and Certification provides a sustainable model for good
        consider and at times they are                                              range of employers through                                   practice and excellence in serving health and wellness guests.  The new traveler
        still reluctant.                     SAID MCDONALD. “WITH THAT              their partnership with Willis
                                             SAID, IT SHOULD FOLLOW THE             Towers Watson.                                               seeks a contemporary Wellness Travel Experience that stimulates psychological,

        Tom McDonald, Business               GENERAL TRENDS IN MEDICAL                                                                              spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of people in a collective manner.
        Development Director for Willis      TOURISM AS COMFORT LEVELS              One of the main reasons                                                WellHotel ® Training and Certification embodies this niche.
        Towers Watson, who also spoke        INCREASE ALONG WITH                    this platform was developed
        at the WMTC, told MTM that                                                  was to inspire employee                                         CREATE A                   VALIDATE A                   MARKET TO
        risk of procedure complications,     EXPERIENCE. GENERALLY, THIS IS         engagement. As previously
        post-care concerns, quality          BELIEVED TO BE A 20 PERCENT            mentioned, employee                                         CULTURE OF                   COMMITMENT                     YOUR TARGET
        and legal liability are some of      OR MORE ANNUAL GROWTH,”                engagement is a major                                          WELLNESS                OF EXCELLENCE                    EXPONENTIALLY
        the major concerns holding           he added.                              deciding factor in how
        individuals back. On the other                                              successful a medical travel
        hand, employers realize that the                                            program will become. This
        medical travel benefit is not for                                           platform allows employees
        everyone.                                                                   to view videos of patient
                                                                                    testimonials and doctors,
        Part of what Willis Towers                                                  and it explains how medical
        Watson offers is to serve as an                                             travel works and provides
        HR consultant to a broad range                                              information on destinations,                                                    WELLHOTELCERTIFICATION.COM
        of employers.                                                               hospitals, and procedures.
        62 September 2017                                                                                                                                                                                     63
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